


Song Dingbo catches ghosts.

In Nanyang, there was a man named Song Dingbo. When he was young, he encountered a ghost while walking at night. He asked the ghost, "Who are you?" The ghost replied, "I am a ghost." The ghost then asked, "Who are you?" Dingbo lied and said, "I am also a ghost." The ghost asked, "Where do you want to go?" Dingbo answered, "I want to go to Wanshi." The ghost said, "I also want to go to Wanshi." So they continued their journey.

After walking for a few miles, the ghost said, "Walking is too tiring. Shall we take turns carrying each other?" Dingbo agreed and the ghost carried him for a few miles. The ghost then said, "You are too heavy. Are you really a ghost?" Dingbo said, "I am a new ghost, that's why I am heavy." Dingbo then carried the ghost, who was surprisingly light. They repeated this several times. Dingbo then said, "I am a new ghost, I don't know what I should be afraid of." The ghost replied, "I just don't like being spat on by people." They continued their journey together.

On the way, they encountered a river. Dingbo asked the ghost to cross first, but there was no sound. When Dingbo crossed, there was a splashing sound. The ghost asked, "Why did you make a sound?" Dingbo said, "I am a newly dead ghost, I am not used to crossing water, so please don't be surprised."

When they arrived at Wanshi, Dingbo carried the ghost on his shoulder and hurriedly went to sell it. The ghost screamed loudly, but Dingbo ignored it. They arrived in the middle of Wanshi and the ghost transformed into a sheep. Dingbo sold the sheep, fearing that it would change back, and spat on it. He received 1,500 coins and left. At that time, Shi Chong said, "Dingbo sold a ghost and received 1,500 coins."

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