


Spiritual roots nurture the source of life, and the cultivation of the heart and nature gives rise to the great way.

The poem says:

In chaos before heaven and earth, all is in disorder, no one can see.
Since Pangu broke the primordial chaos, from then on, clarity and turbidity are distinguished.
Covering all beings, they look up to great benevolence; all things are brought to light and become good.
To know the achievements of creation, one must look at the Journey to the West: The Legend of the Monkey King.

It is said that the number of heaven and earth is twelve hundred and ninety-six thousand years for one cycle. Dividing one cycle into twelve periods, there are the twelve earthly branches: Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, and Hai. Each period corresponds to eighteen hundred years. And speaking of one day: during the Zi hour, the yang energy is obtained, while at Chou, the rooster crows; Yin does not allow light, while at Mao, the sun rises; during the Chen hour, it is after meals, while at Si, it is time for rest; at Wu, the sun is at its zenith, while at Wei, it sets in the west; at Shen, it is dusk, and at You, the sun sets; at Xu, it is twilight, and at Hai, people settle down. In great numbers, when reaching the end of Xu, heaven and earth are dim, and all things are in decline. Going back five thousand four hundred years to the beginning of Hai, it is dark, and there are no beings, hence it is called chaos. Another five thousand four hundred years, as Hai ends and Zhen begins, the essence rises, approaching the Zi period, and gradually becomes clear. Shao Kangjie said: "At the winter solstice, the Zi is at its peak, the heart of heaven remains unchanged. The first movement of yang occurs, and all things have yet to be born." At this point, heaven begins to have roots.

Another five thousand four hundred years, it is the time of the Zi period, light and clarity rise, there is sun, there is moon, there are stars, there are constellations. The sun, moon, stars, and constellations are called the four symbols. Thus it is said that heaven opens in the Zi. After another five thousand four hundred years, as the Zi period ends and approaches the Chou period, it gradually solidifies. The Book of Changes says: "Great is the Qian, supreme is the Kun! All things are nourished, thus they follow heaven." At this point, the earth begins to solidify. Another five thousand four hundred years, it is the time of the Chou period, heavy and turbid, there is water, there is fire, there are mountains, there are stones, there is earth. Water, fire, mountains, stones, and earth are called the five forms. Thus it is said that the earth opens in the Chou. After another five thousand four hundred years, as the Chou period ends and the Yin period begins, all things emerge. The calendar says: "Heavenly energy descends, earthly energy rises; heaven and earth unite, all things are born." At this point, heaven is clear, and the earth is fresh, yin and yang unite. Another five thousand four hundred years, it is the time of the Yin period, giving birth to humans, beasts, and birds, which is called the three talents of heaven, earth, and humanity. Thus it is said, humans are born in the Yin.

Feeling Pangu's opening, the Three Sovereigns governing the world, the Five Emperors establishing order, the world is divided into four great continents: East Victory Divine Continent, West Cowherd Continent, South Zhanbu Continent, and North Julu Continent. This book only lists the East Victory Divine Continent. Overseas, there is a land called Aolai Country. The country is near the sea, and in the sea, there is a mountain called Huaguo Mountain. This mountain is the ancestral vein of the ten continents, the source of the three islands, established by opening clarity and turbidity, formed after the primordial chaos was distinguished. Truly a good mountain! There is a poem as evidence. The poem says:

The force stabilizes the vast ocean, the power calms the jade sea. The force stabilizes the vast ocean, tides surge, silver mountains, fish enter holes; the power calms the jade sea, waves flip snow, waves separate from the abyss. Wood and fire rise high, the East Sea's place towers high. Red cliffs and strange stones, cut walls and strange peaks. On the red cliffs, colorful phoenixes call; before the cut walls, a single unicorn rests. At the peak, one can hear the golden rooster crow, in the stone cave, one can see the dragon come and go. In the forest, there are longevity deer and immortal foxes, on the trees, there are spiritual birds and black cranes. Precious grass and strange flowers never wither, green pines and cypress remain evergreen. Immortal peaches bear fruit all the time, tall bamboos leave clouds. A ravine with dense vines, the grass color is fresh all around. It is the pillar that supports the sky where all rivers meet, the root of the earth remains unchanged through countless calamities.

At the top of that mountain, there is a celestial stone. The stone is three zhang, six chi, and five cun high, with a circumference of two zhang and four chi. Three zhang, six chi, and five cun high, according to the circumference of three hundred sixty-five degrees; two zhang, four chi circumference, according to the political calendar of twenty-four solar terms. It has nine apertures and eight holes, according to the nine palaces and eight trigrams. There are no trees to shade it on all sides, but there are orchids and grasses on the left and right. Since the opening, it has received the essence of heaven and the beauty of the earth, the sun's essence and the moon's brilliance, feeling it for a long time, thus it has a spiritual connection. Inside, it nurtured an immortal embryo, one day it burst, producing a stone egg, about the size of a round ball. When it encountered the wind, it transformed into a stone monkey, with complete features and limbs. It learned to climb and walk, worshiping in all directions. Its eyes emitted two beams of golden light, shooting towards the North Star. It startled the high heavens, the holy and compassionate Jade Emperor, who sat in the golden palace of the heavenly realm, gathering celestial officials. Seeing the golden light blazing, he ordered the Thousand-Mile Eye and the Shunfeng Ear to open the southern heavenly gate to observe. The two were indeed commanded to go outside, seeing clearly and hearing clearly. After a while, they reported: "I was commanded to observe the place of the golden light, which is the boundary of the East Victory Divine Continent, the small country of Aolai, where there is a Huaguo Mountain, on the mountain there is a celestial stone, the stone produced an egg, which transformed into a stone monkey in the wind, worshiping in all directions, its eyes emitting golden light, shooting towards the North Star. Now it eats food and drinks water, the golden light will soon subside." The Jade Emperor graciously said: "The beings below are born from the essence of heaven and earth, not to be considered strange."

That monkey in the mountain could walk and jump, eat grass and trees, drink from the ravine spring, pick mountain flowers, and seek tree fruits; it kept company with wolves and insects, grouped with tigers and leopards, befriended deer, and was close to monkeys; it slept under stone cliffs at night and roamed in peak caves during the day. Truly, "In the mountains, there are no cycles, and one does not know the years." One day, when the weather was hot, it played with the group of monkeys to avoid the heat, all under the shade of the pines. Look at them one by one:

Jumping trees and climbing branches, picking flowers and seeking fruits; throwing stones, playing games; running in the sandy pits, building towers; chasing dragonflies, catching butterflies; praying to the heavens, worshiping Bodhisattvas; pulling vines, weaving grass mats; catching lice, biting and pinching; grooming fur, trimming nails; pushing and shoving; rubbing and wiping; pulling and tugging; under the green pines, they play freely, by the green water, they wash. A group of monkeys played for a while, then went to wash in the mountain stream. Seeing that stream of water rushing, it truly resembled rolling melons splashing. As the ancients said: "Birds have their own language, beasts have their own speech." The monkeys all said: "This water, we do not know where it comes from. Today we have nothing to do, let us follow the stream upstream to find its source, shall we play?" With a shout, they all dragged their males and females, calling brothers and sisters, and all ran to the stream, climbing the mountain until they reached the source, which was a waterfall. But see that:

A white rainbow rises, a thousand fathoms of snow waves fly; the sea breeze blows unceasingly, the river moon shines still.

Cool air divides the green peaks, the remaining flow moistens the emerald; the murmuring waterfall truly resembles a hanging curtain.

The monkeys clapped their hands and praised: "Good water! Good water! It turns out this place connects far beneath the mountain, directly to the waves of the sea." They also said: "Whoever has the ability to dive in and find the source without harming themselves, we will worship him as king." They called three times, and suddenly a stone monkey jumped out from the bushes, shouting loudly: "I will go in! I will go in!" Good monkey! It is he:

Today, the fragrant name is revealed, fortune comes and great luck flows; having the fate to dwell here, the king sends me to the celestial palace.

Look at him closing his eyes and crouching, with a leap, he jumps directly into the waterfall spring, suddenly opening his eyes and looking up, there is no water or waves inside, but a clear bridge. He steadied himself, focused again, and looked carefully, it turned out to be an iron bridge. The water below flows through the stone holes, cascading out, blocking the bridge's entrance. He bent down to the bridgehead, walked again to look, it seemed like a dwelling place, truly a good spot. But see that:

Green moss piles blue, white clouds float jade, light shakes fragments of smoke and mist. Empty windows, quiet rooms, smooth benches grow flowers. Dragon pearls lean against the milk cave, winding around, filling the ground with strange flowers. The stove by the cliff holds traces of fire, the wine vessels on the table show remnants of food. The stone seat and stone bed are truly lovely, the stone basin and stone bowl are even more praiseworthy. Also, there are one or two tall bamboos, three or five plum blossoms. A few trees of green pines always bring rain, completely resembling a person's home.

After watching for a long time, he jumped over the middle of the bridge, looking left and right, only to see a stone tablet in the center. On the tablet, there is a line of large characters inscribed: "Huaguo Mountain Blessed Land, Water Curtain Cave Heaven." The stone monkey was overjoyed, hurriedly withdrew and ran outside, again closing his eyes and crouching, jumping out of the water, exclaiming twice: "Great fortune! Great fortune!" The monkeys surrounded him, asking: "What is it like inside? How deep is the water?" The stone monkey said: "No water! No water! It turns out to be an iron bridge. Beyond the bridge is a heavenly dwelling." The monkeys said: "How do you see it is a dwelling?" The stone monkey laughed: "This water is the flow beneath the bridge, cascading down to block the entrance. There are flowers and trees by the bridge, it is a stone house. Inside the house, there are stone nests, stone stoves, stone bowls, stone basins, stone beds, stone benches. In the middle, there is a stone tablet inscribed with 'Huaguo Mountain Blessed Land, Water Curtain Cave Heaven.' Truly it is our resting place. Inside it is spacious enough to accommodate hundreds of old and young. We can all live in there, saving us from the harshness of heaven. Inside:

When the wind blows, there is a place to hide, when it rains, it is good to stay. Frost and snow are not feared, the sound of thunder is never heard.

Smoke and mist always shine, auspiciousness is always steaming. Pines and bamboos flourish year after year, strange flowers bloom daily.

Hearing this, the monkeys were all delighted, saying: "You go first, lead us in, in!" The stone monkey again closed his eyes and crouched, jumping inside, calling: "Come in with me! Come in!" Those monkeys with courage jumped in; the timid ones, one by one, stretched their heads and shrank their necks, scratching their ears and cheeks, shouting loudly, after a while, they all went in. Jumping over the bridgehead, each one grabbed bowls and snatched pots, fighting for stoves and beds, moving here and there, truly the nature of monkeys is mischievous, there was no peace until they were exhausted. The stone monkey sat above and said: "Everyone, 'A person without trust does not know what is possible.' You all said you could come in and go out without harm, and whoever does so shall be worshiped as king. Now I can come in and go out, seeking this cave heaven for you all to rest and sleep, enjoying the blessings of family, why not worship me as king?" Upon hearing this, the monkeys bowed down without objection. One by one, they lined up in order, bowing and worshiping, all calling "Thousand-Year Great King." From then on, the stone monkey ascended to the throne, hiding the word "stone," and was thus called the Beautiful Monkey King. There is a poem as evidence. The poem says:

Three yangs unite to produce all beings, the celestial stone embryo contains the essence of the sun and moon.
Borrowing an egg to transform into a monkey completes the great way, using his name to match the elixir.
Internally observing without recognizing the cause, externally uniting, clearly knowing the form.
Throughout the ages, everyone belongs to this, calling themselves kings and saints, freely roaming.

The Beautiful Monkey King led a group of monkeys, macaques, and horse monkeys, assigning lords and ministers, exploring Huaguo Mountain during the day and resting in the Water Curtain Cave at night, sharing feelings, not entering the flocks of flying birds, not mingling with the beasts, ruling alone, filled with joy. Thus:

In spring, they gather flowers for food, in summer, they seek fruits for their livelihood.
In autumn, they harvest yams and chestnuts to extend the season, in winter, they search for yellow essence to pass the year.
The Beautiful Monkey King enjoys the natural pleasures, who would expect three to five hundred years to pass. One day, during a joyful banquet with the monkeys, suddenly he felt troubled and shed tears. The monkeys hurriedly bowed and asked: "Why is the king troubled?" The monkey king said: "Though I am in joy, there is a bit of distant worry, hence I am troubled." The monkeys laughed again: "The king is truly insatiable! We gather daily in the blessed land of the celestial mountain, in the ancient cave of the divine realm, not under the control of the unicorns, not under the management of phoenixes, nor bound by the constraints of earthly kings, free and unrestrained, this is immeasurable fortune, why worry and be troubled?" The monkey king said: "Though today I do not return to the laws of man, nor fear the power of beasts, in the future, when I grow old and my blood weakens, secretly there is the King of Hell watching over me, once I die, would it not be a waste of life in this world, unable to stay long among the celestial beings?" Upon hearing this, the monkeys each covered their faces and wept, all worried about impermanence.

Just then, among the group, a monkey with a long back suddenly jumped out, shouting loudly: "If the king has such distant worries, it is truly the development of the heart of the way! Now among the five insects, there are only three types of names, not under the control of the King of Hell." The monkey king asked: "Do you know those three types of people?" The monkey replied: "They are the Buddha, the immortal, and the holy, escaping reincarnation, neither born nor dead, living as long as heaven and earth." The monkey king asked: "Where do these three reside?" The monkey replied: "They are only in the world of Yanzhu, within the ancient cave of the celestial mountain." Upon hearing this, the monkey king was filled with joy, saying: "Tomorrow I will bid you farewell and descend the mountain, wandering to the ends of the sea, crossing the heavens, I must seek these three, learn the way of immortality, and always escape the difficulties of the King of Hell." Ah! This sentence immediately caused him to jump out of the net of reincarnation, leading to the emergence of the Great Sage Equal to Heaven. The monkeys applauded and praised, all saying: "Good! Good! Tomorrow we will cross the ridge and climb the mountain, widely searching for fruits, preparing a grand feast to send off the king."

The next day, the monkeys indeed went to gather immortal peaches, pick strange fruits, dig yams, harvest yellow essence, orchids, fragrant herbs, and strange flowers, all kinds of items, neatly arranged, setting up stone benches and stone tables, laying out celestial wine and celestial dishes. But see that:

Golden pills and pearl balls, red blossoms and yellow fruits. Golden pills and pearl balls of waxy cherries, truly sweet and beautiful; red blossoms and yellow fruits of ripe plums, fragrant and sour. Fresh longan, sweet meat and thin skin; fire lychee, small seeds and red sacs. Apples with green flesh hang in clusters, loquats with yellow buds hold leaves high. Pears like rabbit heads and jujubes like chicken hearts, quenching thirst and relieving annoyance. Fragrant peaches and soft apricots, sweet as jade liquid and fine nectar; crisp plums and bayberries, sour as fatty cream. Ripe watermelons split open, revealing red seeds like fire crystals; chestnuts split open, hard meat like golden agate. Walnuts and ginkgo can be brewed into tea, coconuts and grapes can be made into wine. Hazelnuts, pines, and nuts fill the plate, oranges, sugarcane, and tangerines crowd the table. Cooked yams, boiled yellow essence, crushed poria and coix, in a stone pot, simmering soup over a low fire. Even if there are delicacies in the human world, how can they compare to the joy of mountain monkeys?

The group of monkeys respected the Beautiful Monkey King sitting above, each according to their ranks below, taking turns to come forward, offering wine, flowers, and fruits, drinking heartily for a day. The next day, the Beautiful Monkey King rose early, instructing: "You little ones, gather some dry pines, weave them into rafts, take a bamboo pole as a paddle, and prepare some fruits, I shall go." He alone boarded the raft, exerting himself to push off, drifting towards the waves of the sea, taking advantage of the wind, to cross to the land of the South Zhanbu Continent. This journey was indeed:

Heavenly born celestial monkeys, the way is prosperous, leaving the mountain, boarding the raft, taking advantage of the heavenly wind.

Drifting across the sea to seek the way of immortality, determined to devote oneself to great achievements.

With fate and connection, resting from worldly desires, carefree and untroubled, meeting the dragon of the source.

Surely he will meet kindred spirits, revealing the source and the myriad laws.

It was indeed his fortune that after boarding the wooden raft, the southeast wind blew strongly for several days, sending him to the northwestern shore, which was the land of the South Zhanbu Continent. Holding the paddle to test the water, he happened upon shallow water, abandoning the raft and jumping ashore, only to see people by the sea fishing, hunting geese, digging clams, and sifting salt. He approached, played a trick, disguised himself as a tiger, scaring those people to drop their baskets and nets, scattering in all directions. He caught one who could not run away, stripped him of his clothes, and learned to wear them, swaying as he walked, passing through towns and cities, learning people's manners and speech. Morning meals and evening lodgings, he focused on inquiring about the way of the Buddha, immortal, and holy, seeking a method for eternal life. Seeing that the world was full of people seeking fame and profit, there was not one who cared for their own lives. It is just that:

When will the struggle for fame and profit cease? Rising early and sleeping late, not free!

Riding donkeys and mules, longing for fine horses, holding positions of prime minister, looking at lords.

Only worrying about clothing and food, laboring hard, why fear the King of Hell taking you?

Seeking wealth and honor for children and grandchildren, there is not one willing to turn back!

The monkey king sought the way of immortality, but without the chance to meet. In the South Zhanbu Continent, he wandered along the Great Wall, traveled through small counties, unknowingly for over eight or nine years. Suddenly, he arrived at the great western sea, thinking there must be immortals overseas. Alone, he made a raft again, drifting across the western sea, directly to the land of the West Cowherd Continent. Upon landing, he inquired for a long time, suddenly seeing a high mountain, beautiful and deep in the forest. He was not afraid of wolves or insects, nor did he fear tigers or leopards, climbing to the top of the mountain to observe. Indeed, it was a good mountain:

Thousands of peaks open their halberds, ten thousand cliffs open their screens. The sun reflects the misty light, gently locking in the emerald; the rain collects the dark color, coldly containing the green. Withered vines entwined around old trees, ancient crossings mark the secluded path. Strange flowers and auspicious grass, tall bamboos and lofty pines. Tall bamboos and lofty pines, eternally green for ten thousand years, overshadowing the blessed land; strange flowers and auspicious grass, blooming all year round, competing with the Penglai. The calls of the secluded birds are near, the springs sound clear. Layers of valleys and gorges are surrounded by orchids, everywhere steep cliffs and moss grow. The undulating peaks are the dragon veins, surely there are high beings hiding their names.

Just as he was observing, he suddenly heard voices deep in the forest, hurriedly stepping forward, entering the woods, straining to listen, it turned out to be singing. The song said:

"Watching the chess, the wood crackles, chopping wood, the sound of the axe rings, at the valley mouth by the clouds, selling firewood and wine, laughing wildly, lost in joy. The autumn is high, against the moon, resting on the pine roots, one sleep until dawn. Recognizing the old forest, climbing cliffs and crossing ridges, holding an axe to cut withered vines.

Gathering them into a load, singing and trading in the market, exchanging rice for three sheng. No competition at all, the prices are fair, without cunning schemes, no honor or disgrace, calmly extending life. Where we meet, either immortals or Taoists, sitting quietly discussing the "Huang Ting."

The Beautiful Monkey King, upon hearing these words, was filled with joy, saying: "Immortals are indeed hidden here!" He hurriedly jumped inside, looking carefully, it turned out to be a woodcutter, chopping wood there. But see how he was dressed:

Wearing a bamboo hat, it is the new shoots just shedding their leaves. Dressed in coarse clothes, it is spun from wood cotton. Tied around his waist is a silk belt, spun from the mouth of an old silkworm. On his feet are grass shoes, made from dried rushes. Holding a steel axe, he carries a rope of fire hemp. Pulling and splitting withered trees, who can compare to this woodcutter!

The monkey king approached and called: "Old immortal! I am a disciple seeking the way." The woodcutter hurriedly dropped his axe, turned around and replied: "Not a person! Not a person! My humble clothing and food are insufficient, how dare I bear the title of 'immortal'?" The monkey king said: "If you are not an immortal, how can you speak of immortal words?" The woodcutter said: "What immortal words did I say?" The monkey king said: "I just came to the edge of the forest, and I heard you say: 'Where we meet, either immortals or Taoists, sitting quietly discussing the "Huang Ting."' The "Huang Ting" is the true words of the Tao, how can it not be immortal?" The woodcutter laughed: "To be honest, this phrase is called 'Man Ting Fang,' taught to me by an immortal. That immortal lives next door to my house. Seeing my family labor and worry daily, he taught me that when I encounter troubles, I should recite this phrase. One, to calm my heart, and two, to relieve my troubles. I have some thoughts when I feel insufficient, hence I recite it. I did not expect you to hear it." The monkey king said: "Since your family lives next to an immortal, why not cultivate with him? Learn the way of immortality? Wouldn't that be good?" The woodcutter said: "My life has been bitter, raised by my parents until eight or nine years old, only then did I understand human affairs. Unfortunately, my father passed away, and my mother is a widow. I have no brothers or sisters, only I alone, with no choice but to serve her day and night. Now my mother is old, I dare not leave her. Moreover, the fields are barren, and food is insufficient, I can only chop two bundles of firewood, carry them to the market, exchange for a few coins, buy a few sheng of rice, cook for myself, and arrange some tea and meals for my old mother, so I cannot cultivate."

The monkey king said: "From what you say, you are a filial gentleman, and there will be good fortune in the future. But please point out to me where that immortal lives, so I can visit." The woodcutter said: "Not far, not far. This mountain is called Ling Tai Fang Cun Mountain. In the mountain, there is a cave called Xie Yue San Xing Cave. In that cave, there is an immortal named Master Xu Puti. The disciples of that master are countless, and now there are still thirty or forty people cultivating with him. You follow that small path, heading south for seven or eight li, and you will reach his home." The monkey king grabbed the woodcutter's hand and said: "Brother, you must go with me. If I gain any benefits, I will certainly not forget your guidance." The woodcutter said: "You are truly foolish. I just told you this, and you still do not understand? If I go with you, will it not disrupt my business? Who will take care of my old mother? I must chop wood, you go, go."

Upon hearing this, the monkey king could only take his leave. Exiting the deep forest, he found the path, crossed a hillside, about seven or eight li away, and indeed saw a cave dwelling. Standing tall to observe, it was truly a good place! But see that:

Smoke and mist scatter colors, the sun and moon shake light. Thousands of old cypress, ten thousand sections of bamboo. Thousands of old cypress, half in the rain, green and rising; ten thousand sections of bamboo, containing smoke, a valley of color. Outside the door, strange flowers are spread like brocade, by the bridge, precious grass emits fragrance. The stone cliffs are steep and moist with green moss, the hanging walls are high and lush with emerald. Occasionally, one hears the cry of a celestial crane, and sees the phoenix soaring. When the celestial crane cries, its voice vibrates through the nine valleys and the distant sky; when the phoenix soars, its feathers are five-colored, shining like clouds. Black monkeys and white deer appear and disappear, golden lions and jade elephants roam freely. Observing the blessed land, it truly rivals paradise! Also, seeing that the cave door is tightly closed, quiet and without human traces. Suddenly turning around, he saw a stone tablet standing at the cliff's edge, about three zhang high and over eight feet wide, with a line of ten large characters inscribed: "Ling Tai Fang Cun Mountain, Xie Yue San Xing Cave." The Beautiful Monkey King was very happy, saying: "The people here are indeed simple. There is indeed this mountain and this cave." After observing for a while, he did not dare to knock on the door. Instead, he jumped to the top of a pine branch, picking pine nuts to eat and play.

After a while, he suddenly heard a sound, and as the cave door opened, a celestial boy walked out, truly handsome and majestic, with a clear appearance, different from ordinary people. But see him:

Hair tied in double strands, wide robe with two sleeves fluttering. His appearance and body are distinct, his heart and mind are both empty.

A guest outside of dust, an eternal youth in the mountains. Completely untainted by dust, free to roam through the cycles of time.

The boy came out and shouted: "Who is disturbing here?" The monkey king jumped down from the tree, stepped forward and bowed: "Celestial boy, I am a disciple seeking the way of immortality, I would not dare to disturb here." The celestial boy laughed: "You are a seeker of the way?" The monkey king said: "Yes." The boy said: "My master has just settled down, ascending the platform to teach the way. He has not yet explained the reason, and told me to come out and open the door, saying: 'There is a cultivator outside, you may go and receive him.' It must be you?" The monkey king laughed: "It is I, it is I." The boy said: "Come with me."

The monkey king straightened his clothes and followed the boy into the depths of the cave: layers of deep pavilions and jade towers, entering into pearl palaces and shell towers, indescribably quiet and secluded, all the way to beneath the jade platform. He saw Master Bodhi sitting on the platform, with thirty small immortals standing beside him. Indeed it was:

The great awakened golden immortal, pure and untainted in form, the western wonderful appearance, Master Bodhi;

Neither born nor dead, the three three paths, all energy and all spirit, infinitely compassionate.

Empty and quiet, naturally following changes, truly as the original nature allows;

With heaven sharing longevity, a dignified body, through tribulations, a great master of enlightenment.

Upon seeing Master Bodhi, the Beautiful Monkey King bowed down, knocking his head countless times, only saying: "Master! Master! I, the disciple, sincerely pay my respects! Sincerely pay my respects!" The master said: "Where are you from? Please tell me your hometown and name clearly, then bow again." The monkey king said: "I am from the East Victory Divine Continent, Aolai Country, Huaguo Mountain, Water Curtain Cave." The master commanded: "Drive him out! He is a fraud and a trickster, how can he cultivate any way?" The monkey king hurriedly knocked his head continuously, saying: "I speak the truth, there is no deception." The master said: "If you are honest, how can you say East Victory Divine Continent? That place is separated by two great seas from here, how could you arrive?" The monkey king replied: "I have drifted across the sea, traveled for over ten years, before finally arriving here."

The master said: "Since you have gradually come, that is fine. What is your surname?" The monkey king replied: "I have no surname. If someone scolds me, I do not get angry; if someone hits me, I do not resent, I just return the courtesy. I have no surname in my life." The master said: "Not that kind of surname. What was your parents' surname originally?" The monkey king said: "I have no parents." The master said: "If you have no parents, you must have been born from a tree?" The monkey king said: "Though I am not born from a tree, I was born from a stone. I only remember there is a celestial stone on Huaguo Mountain, that year the stone broke, and I was born." The master, upon hearing this, secretly rejoiced, saying: "In that case, you are indeed born of heaven and earth. Get up and walk for me to see." The monkey king leaped up, walking back and forth. The master laughed: "Though your body is humble, you resemble a monkey that eats pine nuts. I will give you a surname based on your body, I will teach you to take the surname 'Hu.' The character 'Hu' has the beast radical, it is the ancient moon.

In ancient times, 'old' means; 'moon' means 'yin.' Old yin cannot transform and nurture, so I will teach you to take the surname 'Sun.' The character 'Sun' has the beast radical, it is the character 'zi.' 'Zi' means 'son,' and 'xi' means 'infant.' It perfectly matches the discussion of infants. I will teach you to take the surname 'Sun.'" Upon hearing this, the monkey king was filled with joy, bowing and saying: "Good! Good! Good! Today I finally know my surname. I hope Master will show mercy! Since I have a surname, I also ask for a name, which would be good for calling." The master said: "In my school, there are twelve characters, and you are the tenth generation disciple." The monkey king asked: "What are those twelve characters?" The master said: "They are Guang, Da, Zhi, Hui, Zhen, Ru, Xing, Hai, Ying, Wu, Yuan, Jue. Arranging them, you are at the 'Wu' character. I will give you a dharma name called 'Sun Wukong,' is that good?" The monkey king laughed: "Good! Good! Good! From now on, I will be called Sun Wukong!" It is just: In the primordial chaos, there was originally no surname, breaking the stubborn emptiness must be Wukong.

After all, what will he cultivate in the future? Let us listen to the next part.

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