


Bring in the wine

Have you not seen, the waters of the Yellow River come from the sky, rushing to the sea and never returning?

Have you not seen, the bright mirror in the grand hall reflects the sorrow of white hair, morning like black silk turning into snow at dusk?

In life, when one is happy, one should enjoy to the fullest, do not let the golden goblet be empty when facing the moon.

By nature, I have talents that will be of use, even if a thousand gold is spent, it will come back again.

Cooking lamb and slaughtering cows is a source of joy, we must have a drink of three hundred cups.

Cen Fu Zi, Dan Qiu Sheng, let's raise our cups and not stop.

Let me sing a song for you, please listen carefully.

The sound of bells and drums and the delicacies on the table are not worth much, I just hope to be drunk and never wake up.

Throughout history, the sages and virtuous have all been lonely, only those who drink leave their names behind.

In ancient times, King Chen had a feast in Ping Le, ten thousand cups of wine were enjoyed in merriment.

Why does the host speak of little money, just go and buy wine for yourself.

With five-colored horses and a thousand gold fur coat, call the child to bring out the beautiful wine, and together we will forget the sorrows of a thousand generations.

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